Megan's Story

Megan’s story

Megan is our Clinical Trial Technical Manager


What do you love most about working at EBX?

I love that we are at the forefront of a new scientific future. I have moved from the Donor Operations department and I am now in the Clinical Operations department, so I have seen where our starting material comes from and the challenges we face working with human beings, to then seeing this starting material be given to patients within a clinical trial. All the collaboration, hard work, passion and dedication from everyone in the company has contributed towards making this happen and I feel very grateful and proud to be a part of team EBX.

Tell us a bit about your role, what does a typical day look like?

I have recently joined the Clinical Operations team as the Clinical Trial Technical Manager. I manage all the clinical trial samples which includes how they are collected, processed, shipped and stored. Anything related to the technical and bioanalytical aspect of our clinical trials I also manage and provide input on which involves liaising with a number of vendors. A typical day just now is extremely busy organising and managing the shipment and reconciliation of the clinical trial samples. These samples are crucial to EBX as they will provide us with our clinical trial data. It is a challenging role, but I am loving it so far and cannot wait to further develop my skills within this department.

What keeps you productive?

A new challenge. I thrive off being busy so being a part of team EBX is very well suited as we are ever changing and striving towards achieving our milestones. No day is the same.

Tell us something about working at EBX that people might not expect?

As we are very fast paced (you can come to work in the morning to continue with a certain aspect of a project and it could be completely different come the afternoon), it is very important that staff wellbeing is in tip-top condition. This involves a lot of fresh fruit and pressed juices provided daily and lots of support both internally and externally if needed. We have 11 Mental Health First Aiders (including myself) at EBX who are also always on hand if anyone needs someone to talk to.

How have you developed your skills through your time here?

I started out as the Donor Recruitment and Operations Assistant and I am now the Clinical Trial Technical Manager. Through a lot of hard work, dedication, training and asking questions, I have managed to develop my skills at EBX to allow for my career to progress into what it is today. There is a lot of collaboration between departments which allows for the opportunity to dip your toe into new areas and gain invaluable knowledge from other departments and colleagues.

How would you describe your work in one word?


What’s your favourite memory of your time at EBX?

I have a couple of favourite memories, but I would have to say the EBX Away Day in 2023 at Ocean Vertical. Everyone got to pick an activity and then we came together for some amazing pizza and drinks. It was so nice to enjoy some downtime with my peers and I am already looking forward to the next one! I also want to mention here the day we dosed our first patient – that was a huge milestone for team EBX and was a very exciting moment.


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